Wednesday, June 01, 2005


湯瑪斯‧內格爾(Thomas Nagel)/黃惟郁
What does it all means --- Thomas Nagel

本書是對對哲學有興趣但完全不具備任何有關知識的初學者最好的一本入門書 . 哲學入門書一般可分為兩類:
1)以介紹哲學家,哲學理論為主 ,

個人認為,雖則前者能令人短時間內提昇吹水的資源並給"更外行人"一個博學多才的假象 , 但後者才能真的令人掌握哲學之為何物 , 所要探討的問題是甚麼 , 如何有異於其他學科 , 以及跟我們這些普通人有何關係 . 本書正是屬於後者 .

書中簡明握要地(極為精簡 , 絕不冗長)討論了 "心與物" , "他者心靈" , "知識" , "語言" , "道德" , "公義" , "死亡" , "人生意義" 等課題 , 寫的都是與每個人生活息息相關的問題 , 用的都是一般中學生(即使是英文版--我便建議大家看英文版)都能理解的 , 非技術性的詞彙 . 本書是以分析哲學的進路寫成 , 所以看的時候不單可以認識一些哲學的常識 , 還可以學習到作者背後思考的過程 , 論證的模式 .

他不一定正確 , 但至少你可以思考他是否正確 (不要笑 ! 有很多人寫的哲學/宗教書根本不知所謂 ,連對錯也談不上) . 本書沒有為你提供任何答案 , 卻必定能對你掌握 , 思考這些問題 , 形成自己的見解有極大助益.

【讀書】所羅門的指環 *給喜愛狗的朋友*

Solomons Ring
By Konrad Lorenz

It is written by the renowned expert on animal behaviour, Konrad Lorenz, who spends his life with all kinds of animals.

Instead of being a cool scientist, he studies the behaviours of animals through living with them - not keeping them in cage, but letting them swim, walk and fly around and establishes a mutual relation with them.

Through this intimate interaction, he acquires King Solomons Ring, i.e. the ability to communicate with the animals. Stressing that non-human animals do not really have a language of a comparable conceptual level like ours, he is able to read the instinctively inherited expression of different kinds of animals, including fishes, birds, dogs, etc..

The book records his story with these animals - his acute observation and vivid description render the book a perfect marriage between objective science and poetic prose. I especially recommend the interesting chapter on dog. From this you can learn the difference between dogs descended from jackals and dogs descended from wolfs: the former dont have a strong character and follow anyone close to them; while the latter are at most loyal to one master only (and you have to start keeping them not later then eight months after they are born) and once they commit, they cannot live without their masters and will even go disordered if forced to do so.

【讀書】The Classic Fairy Tales

The Classic Fairy Tales
(edited by Mairia Tatar. New York, W. W. Norton & Company)

書中全面地收錄了很多如美女與野 獸 , 灰姑娘 , 小紅帽 , 等等無人不曉的經典童話在不同國家民族不同時代的多個版本 , 並在故事之後附上不同文學批評家的精彩分析 , 十分有趣.

看後你會恍然大悟 , 原來這些我們由小已背得滾瓜爛熟的所謂"童話故事" , 原來本來很多都是一些早期(大約是中世紀至十七八世紀吧)勞動工人(主要是成年男性)歇息時用以消閒的"成人故事" ,所以故事的原型不約而同總是充斥各種暴力與性的原素 , 後來 - 尤其是在格林兄弟收集整理的過程中 - 才在多番轉化後被用作灌輸道德觀念的工具




1)抉擇:The Choice: A Fable of Free Trade and Protectionism 經濟大師李嘉圖死後因積唔夠陰德升唔到天,必須說服一個保護主義接受自由貿易的好處.假設美國採用全面的貿易保護主義,結果是美國人人有工做,還是.....看了便有分曉.

2)愛上經濟Invisisble heart: An Economic Romance 看英文名便知是愛情故情,難題是:信奉自由經濟的經濟學老師撞著悲天憫人的文學老師,對社會問題的意見分歧火花難免,又如何打動依人芳心?當中還有戲中戲,佈局精奇不容錯過.

以上兩書都是經濟學家羅素.羅伯茲Russell Roberts所寫.都是以小說形式介紹經濟學概念,寓消閒於娛樂,正.