Sunday, May 22, 2005




Granted that this is the case.


I suppose they won’t, for this is too ridiculous for any sensible people to get annoyed at.

>泰國的一份報導最近指出,一名已被証實死去多日的和尚、突然離奇地復活了起來,並引至有 300 多名在場觀禮的和尚接受了耶穌基督。

祖先在地獄的火湖裡正被焚燒著....我還看見了佛祖及其他在歷代中跟隨他的 覺者及聖人,他們都一同在地獄某處的火海裡面、被烈火焚燒著..」

Granted that the monk did return to life miraculously, what seems to me even more amazing is that he did RECOGNIZE Buddha, other saints (who, as far as I know, never took any photos) and his ancestors (I’m sure that I can’t recognize mine. Can you?).


The reaction of the monk seems really strange to me and I don’t think it is normal for a pious Buddhist to react like this.

Suppose a Christian dreams that Jesus is being burnt in Hell. How would he react? Since, given his Christian faith, Jesus can’t be burnt in Hell, he would normally question the truthfulness of his dream and conclude that his dream is just a dream and represent no truth. I don’t think many Christian would give up their faith for that. The same should also hold for the monk. His puzzling reaction makes him sound like a Christian spy placed in the Buddhist monastery.


Granted that Buddha is really burnt in hell and the explanation given is true, i.e. Buddha is burnt SIMPLY because he does not believe in God, what does that prove? It proves that even if God really exists, he is not something worth our believing in. You see, even a man like Buddha has to be burnt in hell eternally for not having faith in something he has never had even the slightest idea!!! What kind of justice and love is it? I really fail to comprehend. I believe that Nazism did and does still exist, but I won’t believe in and have the least faith in it even if a promising life is guaranteed.


What does this fact show? It SHOWS that:
A These 300 monks do not have strong faith in Buddhism.

B Many (at least these 300 monks) people choose or change their faith irrationally. They have probably not thought sensibly about the incident before they make their decision.
[If you talk about commitment and personal experience, fine (as long as you are aware of the fact that ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING CAN BE JUSTIFIED THAT WAY). However, if you say that your faith does have a sound rational ground, I’m sorry that you are wrong.]

C They’ve forgotten a famous saying by Buddha: If I do not go to Hell, Who should? It’s simply no big deal for finding Buddha burnt in Hell.
What it DOES NOT SHOW is that Buddhism is wrong and Christianity represent THE TRUTH.

I don't mean to offend the Christians. I only want to remind all those with a preaching heart to think carefully before citing any evidence for your faith. The one who first sends this article must have made a serious mistake: Failing to prove anything he wants to prove, it can only turn the thoughtful away and draw a mass of blind believers.

Personally, I can provide a more forceful piece of evidence. The night I typed the first version of it, I twisted my wrist and it hurt so badly throughout the past few days (it is still hurting). After I finished that and pressed the key to send it, the mail server was down and it was lost.
(That why I type it in Words first this time).


Blogger 肚餓Chris said...

好明顯係一d 人吹出黎架啦, 為左死無對証仲要將故事個和尚殺埋.
如果真有人信, 咁佢一係好虔誠, 一係就低能

3:12 PM  

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